This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe widening participation and spreading excellence and further supporting actions programmes. Grant agreement ID: 101071330.

UNI EIFFEL Internal Workshop on European and International Research and Formation Networks (March 5-6, 2025)

Université Gustave Eiffel brought together its European and international network representatives for a lunch-to-lunch internal workshop on March 5-6, 2025. The event aimed to foster collaboration and enhance mutual understanding of recent activities led by our scientific representatives across 13 European and international networks.

Through a mix of interactive sessions, experience sharing, and discussions on the benefits and challenges of network participation, attendees explored consortium-building opportunities for European projects. The workshop also introduced the InCITIES project, a newly established European research network.

InCITIES seeks to build and strengthen a long-term collaboration between universities and key ecosystem stakeholders by developing integrated knowledge hubs. These hubs will mobilize local, regional, and national investments in alignment with EU funding opportunities.




The internal Uni Eiffel workshop provided an ideal platform to present and discuss the methodology used to define the seven thematic hubs that make up the InCITIES knowledge HUB. Our representatives also had the opportunity to explore and discuss the research topics within each thematic hub alongside key contributors.

These insightful discussions will help shape the upcoming roadmap for operating the future Integrated Research European Campus of the InCITIES partners (D2.2), set to be published in the coming weeks.