The first Scientific café on ‘Questioning urban transition – Vulnerability inclusion and Health’ took place 7th of February 2024. The 4 different presentations addressed the topics of the InCITIES thematic hub of Questioning Urban Transition:
- Discussing redistribution mechanisms and spatial justice at city level: the example of the Disney-led growth coalition in California by Sophie Didier - Université Gustave Eiffel.
- Social-Ethical Analysis of Expertise-by-Experience in the (Social and) Health Care Context by Karoliina Nikula - LAUREA.
- Oxford roundabout and the art of safety: resistance to cycling infrastructure intervention by Yannick Cornet - UNIZA.
- eHealth in interdisciplinary perspective by Outi Ahonen - LAUREA.
The Scientific Cafés are open to all researchers and teachers who provide research ideas in Task 2.1 of WP2 on various topics, and to all members of the InCITIES partners. They are also open to associated partners and the universities of the PIONEER Alliance not involved directly in the InCITIES project.
The technical discussions within all thematic hubs of the InCITIES project provide a valuable platform for project partners to collaborate, exchange ideas, and foster innovation in addressing cities’ complex challenges. For each session, 3-4 presentations are given by researchers from the different partner universities of the consortium.
The next Scientific Café will take place 8th of March 2024 with the thematic hub of Mobility.