On November 16, 2022, an Invited Session entitled “Educational Infrastructure and Academic Methods on Transport and Mobility for Cities of Tomorrow” was held as a part of the Transport Research Arena 2022 conference in Lisbon, Portugal. The session was organized by the partners of the PIONEER Alliance, of which all InCITIES universities are members, to discuss the role of higher education institutions in promoting the skills and competencies needed for a multidisciplinary dialogue with policy-makers and the industry.
The session was moderated by Mr. Thierry Goger, Secretary General of FEHRL (Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories). The panellists of the session were representatives from all InCITIES partnering institutions, i.e., ISCTE, University Gustave Eiffel, TH Köln, UNIZA, and LAUREA. The panellists shared their views on post-carbon educational programmes, and on the importance of more connected training systems in Europe to better support cities’ transformation policies and mobility issues. They also discussed how metropolitan regions and municipalities will benefit from the knowledge co-produced with universities.
Part of the session has been dedicated to discussing the role of the Horizon Europe Widening Programme in addressing the transport and mobility challenges of the cities of tomorrow through increasing research and education performance and relevance at higher education institutions. Here, InCITIES project has been presented as a success story and an important tool to support the addressing of those challenges.