This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe widening participation and spreading excellence and further supporting actions programmes. Grant agreement ID: 101071330.

Blog List

2nd Conference of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy at ISCTE

The 2nd Conference of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy (SDLab) took place on November

Media presence of InCITIES

Catarina Ferreira da Silva (ISCTE), Associate Professor with Habilitation, presented the InCITIES project at the

Steering Committee and Working Group for HRS4R joint meeting at UNIZA

Steering Committee and Working Group for HRS4R joint meeting at UNIZA

In 2017, the University of Žilina officially endorsed to the principles of the European Charter

A new joint Master program for Managing the Digital Transformation in the Health Sector

Within the scope of an EU-funded project commissioned by the Digital Europe Program, the ISCTE

InCITIES was present at the inauguration of the new ISCTE R&D&I facility

InCITIES was present at the inauguration of the new ISCTE R&D&I facility

A number of personalities, including the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, the Minister of Science,