This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe widening participation and spreading excellence and further supporting actions programmes. Grant agreement ID: 101071330.

Blog List

Gender and Diversity at UNIZA

Gender and Diversity at UNIZA

Veronika Pirošík Mešková presented the UNIZA experience with the gender equality and diversity in the

Automotive Week in Helmond, the Netherlands

Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková made an invited speech in the Automotive Week in Helmond, the

InCITIES Thematic Hubs Foster Collaboration and Innovation

University Gustave Eiffel, WP2 leader of the InCITIES project, has announced a series of upcoming

InCITIES WP3 Kick-off Meeting at TH KÖLN

InCITIES WP3 Kick-off Meeting at TH KÖLN

On November 22nd, 2022, the InCITIES WP3 kickoff meeting took place at TH KÖLN. 13

Blended (physical & online) Project Meeting at ISCTE

Blended (physical & online) Project Meeting at ISCTE

Project coordinator organized the first blended (i.e., physical & online) project meeting on 17-18 November

Invited Session at TRA 2022 conference

Invited Session at TRA 2022 conference

On November 16, 2022, an Invited Session entitled “Educational Infrastructure and Academic Methods on Transport