This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe widening participation and spreading excellence and further supporting actions programmes. Grant agreement ID: 101071330.

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InCITIES BIP Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges

InCITIES BIP Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges

As part of the European InCITIES project, ISCTE organised the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) advanced

Ongoing Blended Intensive Programme school piloton Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges

Ongoing Blended Intensive Programme school piloton Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges

Organized by ISCTE, and with the active participation of LAUREA and UNIZA, the Blended Intensive

European Universities driving local and global innovation

European Universities driving local and global innovation

On December 4, 2024, Université Gustave Eiffel hosted a high-level event as part of the

UNIZA Winter School completed with a 2-day onsite event

UNIZA Winter School completed with a 2-day onsite event

On December 10th and 11th, the InCITIES UNIZA Digital Transition HUB Multidisciplinary Training on Digital

ISCTE organises the Inclusive Recruitment Forum

ISCTE organises the Inclusive Recruitment Forum

ISCTE has organised, on the 3rd and 4th December 2024, the 6th edition of the

InCITIES UNIZA Winter School Progress

InCITIES UNIZA Winter School Progress

This week, students of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at UNIZA continued to