This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe widening participation and spreading excellence and further supporting actions programmes. Grant agreement ID: 101071330.

Ongoing Blended Intensive Programme school piloton Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges

Organized by ISCTE, and with the active participation of LAUREA and UNIZA, the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) school pilot on Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges is an opportunity for students to address topics as design thinking for envisioning cities futures, human centred Artificial Intelligence or transport innovation – Sustainable Urban Development.

Within the BIP, concrete and authentic real-life challenges were proposed by the InCITIES Associated Partners, namely, Comboios de Portugal, Wegenblocks, and Inovar Autismo, to be addressed by the students, putting in practice the Learning by Developing pedagogical model.

ISCTE will be hosting the onsite part of the BIP during the week of 20th-24th of January 2025. During this week, the BIP students will have the opportunity to visit and directly interact with the associated partners and, in the end of that week, will present their works in the final in-presence session of the Hackathon Future Cities From Vivid Reality: Inclusive and Sustainability Challenges in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.  A jury composed by the BIP teachers and AP representatives will assess their works aiming at choosing the best ones.

This BIP school pilot on Cities Futures – Interdisciplinary Challenges is part of the work package 6 of the project InCITIES. Further details about the BIP can be found here.